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The cosmetics and personal care product choices that woman make during pregnancy are important to not only them,
but to the health of their developing child,as well.It has become increasing clear that some of the behavioral and
health problems that we see in children and adults today are the result of prenatal exposure to chemical toxins. These
effects may show up rather soon in the child's life,(such as childhood cancer,hyperactivity,to name a few),but may also show
up years later when they enter adulthood,(As with testicular or prostate cancer or benign enlarged prostate).If you are
pregnant or about to become pregnant, this info is critical.
Recently,medical researchers from Denmark and the United Kingdom,have reported that some of the most common detergents,wetting
agents,and preservatives used in cosmetics and household cleaning products act much like the female hormone estrogen once
in the human body;these chemicals,known as xenoestrogens,are strongly suspected of disrupting the normal hormonal
processes of both sexes.In young boys, who are exposed to these chemicals before puberty, they may cause a statistically
marked increased risk for birth defects and reproductive abnormalities.It is also suspected that these same feminizing chemicals
ultimately may be related to the proliferation of mature men's sexual problems,particularly enlarged prostate syndrome,infertility,
and testicular cancer.
The Danish study was intially met with skepticism,but researchers in Belgium, France, and Scotland have obtained similar
results.Pediatricians are increasingly reporting appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in young female babies,
as young as two,including growth of pubic hair and devolpement of ovarian cysts.The average age now for the onset of menarche,menstruation,is
13.In the 18'th century it was 17.
The implications of these studies is important.Greater estrogen exposure mean an increased lifetime risk for women of
reproductive cancers,including those of the breasts,ovaries,and uterus.Cosmetic and personal care products with xenoestrogens
that are used during pregnancy may be partially responsible to these disturbing reproductive abnormalities in both sexes.The
most influential or toxic exposures to these chemicals occur prenatally when the developing child's cell growth is rapid and
cells are extremely sensitive to even minute alterations of the hormonal environment.They can also become imprinted,hypersensitized,
to future estrogenic exposures.
You may not suspect that such chemicals are routinely added to cosmetics.But they are.For example,commonly used perservatives
called PARABENS,(NAMELY,METHYL,ETHYL,PROPYL,and BUTYLPARABEN),have been idenitified as xenoestrogens. Another one
which is widely used as an antioxidant preservative in foundations and other personal care products is BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE,(BHA).A
close relative of BHA,used far more extensively,is BHT(BUTYLATED HYDROXYTLUENE). OTHER DANGEROUS CHEMICALS TO STAY
AWAY FROM ARE: DIMETHYL,DIETHYL,and DIBUTYL PHTHALATES.All are used in cosmetics as plasticizers,solvents,and perfume
fixatives. Many are also used in your everyday soaps and household cleaners. In studies, they were linked to reduction
in daily sperm count and reduction in mean testicular size.For females, it can cause premature breast devolpement.
So, the safest thing to do is avoid cosmetics during pregnancy,but if you just have to wear make-up, purchase it at a reliable
health food store.But, Read the Labels! Sometimes even the health food stores are not completely aware of everthing
that goes into the products that they order.I shockingly found BHT in a "supposedly" natural soap product.Educate Yourselves!Your
Health, and the health of your children, is your responsibility!
You might also want to check out my page(s) on "Infertility" and "What's in Your Soap and Bath Products". They contain
very important info for a "Mother" and/or "Mother-to-be".
Untitled Poem:Author and Source unknown:
Who follows the roadmaps of the leaves or listens as the crickets walk?
Who really looks at clouds and watches for tiny little things?
Who truely feels the softness of a smile or always touches trees?
Who always finds these little joys-- except a child .....and sometimes....me.
Pregnancy is a most special time, for Mother and Father, as much as for the Baby coming
into life. It is a time for the Mother to be treated with great respect and awe. For the baby,this time should be a
peaceful time, a time of security and wholeness. This in large, depends on the Mother's lifestyle and those around her. What
the Mother eats and drinks will construct the child's body. The energies of her thoughts and feelings, and of the people
around her, will color and influence the child.
While it is the Mother who carries the child and directly experiences the miracle of gestation, everybody involved should
be wholly present in the process, with willingness, understanding, and love----all essential to the wellbeing of the child. Loving
consciousness is the key, and willingness to manifest that which is appropriate. This attitude is basic to all matters of
Herbal remedies or attention to diet, are just PARTS of the process and will not alone, be sufficient to ensure a Natural
birth and/or a healthy child. While Nature ensures that the placenta and other physical processes of Mother and Child will
do the very best that can be done, much special care can be taken and herbs can be used to assist the process. Many excellant
books on Natural Childbirth are now available and should be studied.
Nature offers an abundance of plants for the pregnancy, and birthing process. "RASPBERRY LEAVES" and "SQUAW VINE"(this
herb is now difficult to obtain), " are two herbs that may be taken individually or together throughout the pregnancy, to
ease and tone the tissue and to facilitate the birth itself. A cup a day should be drank for atleast the last three months,or
better, for the whole of the nine months.
Apart from these two toners, it may be appropriate to use other herbs to promote good health in general, ensurings that
both nutrition and bodily functions are at their peak. A typical example would be the use of "DANDELION" or "NETTLES" as
a rich source of iron. But some caution must be taken with these two herbs, as they can cause cramping and diahrrea if your
body is not used to them, and/or if taken in the wrong amount.
Occasionly, miscarriage is the body's own natural response to certain situations,(such as a mal-formed baby,or the baby
not being attached in the proper place in the lining of the womb). In such cases,NO herbal remedy will oppose the body's
purpose. However, miscarriage can also be threatned in cases of inadequate diet, stress, or trauma, and for these things,
herbs can provide that extra strength, or vitality to avoid a miscarriage. Herbs to help with this are as follows:
Black Cohosh,(Cimifuga Racemosa)
Blue Cohosh,(Caulophyllum Thalictriodes)
Cramp Bark(also known as Viburnum Opulus)
False Unicorn Root, or True Unicorn Root,(these are now difficult to obtain)
While all of these herbs are useful by themselves,a combination of toning, anti--spasmodic, and nervine relaxant actions
can be especially helpful,(which is the combination you get if all of these herbs are combined).
If there is a considerable amount of stress involved, stronger nervines, such as "SKULLCAP" or "VALERIAN" can be safetly
used. However with the use of any relaxant or nervine herb, you must use caution and common sense until you know how it
will personally affect you. Many of these relaxant and nervine herbs,cause drowsiness in some people. You should not
drive or operate machinery while taking a relaxant or nervine herb.
If the Mother is planning to nurse her baby after it is born,(and I highly recommend that you do),there are two herbs that
will help bring the Mother's milk in, and increase the flow of milk. They are:
These herbs should be drank,(as a tea), starting with the last month of pregnancy,atleast twice or three times a day.
For directions on how to take,and how much to take, of the afor-mentioned herbs, contact your local Natural Health Consultant
or your local Herbalist.