Healthy Choices:
Wellness Quiz/Wellness Goals:
1.Do you wake up with enthusiam for the day ahead?
2.Do you have the high energy level you need to do what you want?
3.Do you laugh easily and often, even at yourself?
4.Do you confidently find solutions for the challenges that face you?
5.Do you feel valued and appreciated?
6.Do you appreciate others, and communicate that to them?
7.Do you have atleast one good friend? Or a circle of caring friends?
8.Do the choices you make every day,get you what you want?
In order to make wise choices,you need to know what changes you may need to make.If you answered "NO" to any of these questions,Congratulations!
You have identified areas of your life that you may want to change.This can be valuable information.Here
are some wellness practices you might want to consider to enhance your life:
Be respectful to yourself,your friends, family, neighbors, and the Environment,(Nature)& look for
the positive in every situation.Value Yourself and All of Creativity.
Be aware of your thoughts,feelings,emotions.What brings a smile to your face,which people or activities cause you to feel
happy, connected,loving;which create feelings of anger,fear depression,intimidation.
Be aware of your body,what makes it feel good,what makes it hurt.Learn to listen to your body.
Eat a healthy, wholesome diet.Avoid or limit sugar,replace processed foods with fresh vegetables and
whole grains as much as possible.Avoid fatty foods and meats as much as possible.Drink pure water,this means you MAY have
to invest in a Water Filration System,
Exercise regularly,and get adequate amounts of rest.
What is adequate?
It varies per person,but most Drs. agree that
it should be atleast 6 hrs. of sleep a night.
But rest is more than just sleep at night.Take time for enjoyable activites
Avoid things that could be harmful to yourself,like alcohol,tobacco,and drugs,(alcohol
and tobacco,in small amounts,and in moderation,are not harmful;as a matter of fact-scientist have now proven that one glass
of red wine a day,actually helps your heart).
I am opposed to cigerettes,they have many harmful and artifical
ingrediants in them,however "Pure" Tobacco,is quite another story.
Please read the Blackfoot legend about the
"Scared Weed" to better understand the Native American view on Tobacco.It was the White man who learned about Tobacco
thru the Native American,but took the traditions and concepts of Tobacco and warped them and abused them.
Keep an open mind about things and life.
Know that you have a choice. We don't always have a choice about what goes on , but we do have
a choice as to how we react to it ,whether it be positive or negative.
Express emotions appropriately.Try not to criticize.
Forgive yourself and others.
Laugh, play, and have fun often,learn
to be spontaneous.Learn to enjoy life and those around you.
Be kind to others,be considerate.
Achieving wellness is a continuing series of small steps taken one day at a time.Since wellness
isn't going to happen in a day, or all at once, make a commitment to continue discovering the most appropriate methods and
actions for you.
Understand that only "ACTIVE" Participation gets results.At the end of the day,review and
acknowledge what worked, LEARN from what didn't work.
Remember,YOU are the Only person who can make the lifestyle decisions that contribute to YOUR
well-being. YOU are the one that must take the steps to preserve Your health and promote Your wellness.
YOU are
the only one that has the power to create wellness for Yourself.
I am here to help and guide you along the way.